Tips for Staying Healthy Over the Holiday Season

The holiday season and Christmas are fast approaching. After the year 2021 has brought us, many of us are looking forward to the increased social events and Christmas cheer. Christmas is known as the most wonderful time of the year, and it’s also often filled with increased food, alcohol and late nights.

Being conscious of what is on our plate is a great place to start, but it’s important to remember that many habits connect to daily health. Whether it’s exercise, quality of sleep or the way you manage your stress, they all will have an impact on how you feel. We have put together 5 tips to help you keep yourself well over the Christmas period, so you can enjoy time with family and friends, and not burn yourself out.

Nourish your body

It’s very easy to overeat during the holiday season, where food is a central part of the celebration. It can be tempting to skip breakfast if you know you have a big lunch ahead, but that can often lead to overeating later. To help combat this, one thing to pay attention to is what you are eating beforehand. Start with a nutritious breakfast like a bowl of oats with peanut butter that contains protein and healthy fats, or have lunch beforehand with plenty of veggies and hummus. Eating meals like the ones mentioned that are packed with fibre and will help keep you fuller for longer and prevent you from feeling over-full and lethargic.

Keep moving

Think of exercise as ‘you’ time. It may not be your top priority over the busy holiday season, but even a short session is better than nothing. Pick a form of movement you know you enjoy, whether it’s an at-home workout from YouTube, a walk around the neighbourhood or a game outdoors with the kids. Working out shouldn’t be a punishment for eating. It has incredibly positive effects on your body and will help improve your mental health.

Limit your late nights

Sleep hygiene plays an essential role in mental health, so it is important to be mindful about ensuring you schedule enough sleep for your holiday. Sleeping in the following day or having naps when you know you have a late night can be a way to compensate. It will keep you feeling refreshed and enjoy your time off!

Drink enough water

When alcohol is flowing, it can be easy to forget to fill up on water. Especially as the weather warms up, it’s important to stay hydrated. You can make your water more enticing by using carbonated water and adding lemon, lime or other fruit chunks for some refreshing flavour.

Enjoy connecting with your loved ones

One thing we have learnt over the past two years is the importance of social connection. It has been a year full of uncertainty and at times isolation, we all need the time to rest, relax, and recharge.

Give yourself permission to switch off from the news, social media or extra content online to be present with those who are around you. Allow yourself to enjoy social time with your friends and family.

Remember, you don’t need to be perfect. Enjoy your holiday season, the food and the drink and set yourself goals that will allow you to feel good over this time. You shouldn’t feel unhappy and deprived, it can only add to stress levels and feelings of anxiety. If you would like to speak to a GP about any concerns you have, give us a call on (07) 347 7537 or book online at today.

I whakaputahia i: 20 December 2021